Alternatives to IDM

Internet Download Manager is the most popular Download manager due to it's uncompromising net optimization and segmented downloading which gives boost to download speeds. Free IDM alternatives are not getting popular because People think that only IDM is the best and there are no worthy alternative to IDM, the fact why people think like that is (Even i used to do that) The habit of using IDM it self, Once we get using it for so long and seeing the segmented download progress window and speed stats a switch is like almost impossible. But there are a whole bunch of free alternatives to IDM which does the same job of downloading files without compromising speed. Here I will point down some real Free Alternatives to IDM after personally testing and using Each of them in my systems and hearing reviews from my Friends  using the same.

1: Eagle Get

 By far the Best in the scenario, Eagle get offers a uncluttered, simple, modern interface and Downloads files with ease, IDM usually tends to Freeze the browser when catching some download links, Well there ain't any such problems over Eagle Get.

Eagle get have a user forum where users can submit bugs or ask for feature requests, The forum is very efficient and the software is still evolving with new features with every update.

Main interface of EagleGet:

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