MrJazSohani SharmaAhmedabadAhmedabad

Prince of Persia The Sands Of Time Audio Files

Hi guys,
      The Persia Trilogy have been complete. The files of the Persia Game Sands Of Time is here!
Just like the Previous Files of Warrior Within & Two Thrones.
CharvinSoft Proudly presents you, The Audio Files of The Sands Of Time..."

 I thought of why repeating those words again and again making you all bored so this time something better!

      After the release of the files of the other two Persia games, it was for sure that we will give the files of Sands of time also to complete the trilogy set with all effects and sounds & videos(Will come soon).

So It's now your Chance to get the files you have been waiting for so long and sorry if it's late.

& Thank you all for your Support and Love..

Download Size : 237 MB
Audio Folder

Download and Enjoy the Game with the Audios!!
Updated 05/04/2014


I couldn't give up now.

  1. hey bro can you please name the files that it sound folder of pop sot already contains
    soundlocal.fat-13kb again i have to download this ? please reply dude

  2. Yes, those are the same files and size, You will only need to download this if you are having problem with the sounds of the game. Background music and all!!

  3. I am going to download this and hope to able to play this game with background music and great voice acting of prince and and farah

  4. Hey charvin am having a little problem with part 2 the link in media fire is shooting ♍ƺ error pages sounds like you sett it to private only what can i do?

  5. Removed Private option now you can Download that with out problems!! :)

  6. Dunno how you did it man but awsome work man just completed the downloads and the games are working perfectly all thanks 2 you. just wondering man, is there any way i can get pop the forgotten sands cos mine seems 2 have some errors be so glad if you can help. Thanks again for the previous POP files you the man!!!!!!!!!!

  7. it no longer exists...can u plz put it again

  8. DEAD re-upload them

  9. The links are dead. Can u please re upload them. Thanks in advance.

  10. Please re upload the Prince of Persia Sands of Time audio files. I have been waiting for them. Or Please tell me how to find the audio files. I have searched internet but couldn't get anywhere except your site. Thanks in advance.

  11. how can i extract part 2 and 3 ?

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