MrJazSohani SharmaAhmedabadAhmedabad

Prince Of Persia Warrior Within Sound Files

            I know that many of you don't have the money to buy games and many don't have enough Bandwidth to download the game fully and you have taken the shortcut of downloading the game's ripped version which lack's videos and sound. I know that some of you are happy with that but I think not all are happy with this so I’m trying my bit to help them,

          I got a lot of requests for the Sound files of POPWW when I said that I could give you the files for POPWW on one of my video, so I thought of keeping the promise and here it is! With all the missing sound files from your game so that you can enjoy it at full extend with all the audio effects.

Download The Sound Files from MEGA


Size 346 MB 

Audio Folder :
Mirror /Mirror 

> Mega

// Links updated : 26/09/2015


I couldn't give up now.

  1. Does this package includes voice acting of prince and all of the characters and all cut scene? please reply

  2. This Audio Package contains all the Audio File of the Game. And For the Videos and Cut scenes Check out the Prince Of Persia Warrior Within Video Files. post..

  3. audio files means? i already hear the sound of spikes,waterfall,sound of prince foot steps etc but not any in game characters voice or sound tracks and i am not taking about the cut scene . can you make it clear please ?

  4. Audio Files means. the files with the Music during the Game play. Like Those Terror music's when you are surrounded by enemies and all..
    Well to make things clear, Check out the Size of your WarriorWithin/Sound Folder inside the game folder. If the Sound Folder is Of Size 400MB+ then you don't have to download this.. Check out the Size of your Video Folder then to make sure what you are really missing.. :)

    1. as u said i checked ma sound folder's size is 430 mb still i cant hear the sound of that subtitle of characters or any soundtrack please help you can reply at ma email:- your help will be appreciated

    2. The files might be null files with audio ripped off, try using the pack and check whether you can hear any sound, pretty sure you will

  5. My sound folder of pop ww is only 401 mb containing 4 files but i heard no music at all will this package includes musics ?i only hear some voices of enemy .sound of water and so on

  6. Yes, That is what this Files Do, To Give you the Lost Music Of your Ripped Game. It will restore the Music Files inside giving you the Background Music and Soundtracks through out the game...

    1. I've played this entire game through after putting all 430 mb of files in my sound folder and I can't hear music or certain cutscenes. What did I do wrong

  7. Thank you very much. we are means me and my five friends going to download this as well as the video package .and again if you upload the music and video files of pop sands of time than we will be very greatfull :-D

  8. Yes bro, I'm going to Upload the Files of POP sands of time..
    Enjoy the Game bro. Greetings to you and your Friends and Thank you for Using this...

  9. Although i finished the game twice including two different endings yet playing it with all sounds and cut scene giving me the enjoyment of a totally new game.thanks again and bro-fiststyle to you.please upload pop sot files soon

    1. kindly tell me what to do now . i have sent you a message , just check it out , and plz give the answer to me

  10. Yes Bro, I'm Going to upload them Soon. Will be ready in just 1 Week,..

  11. Hello again bro. its almost one week gone now can you please upload pop sot audio and video files :-}

  12. Your timing is great! At this time when I'm typing this comment, I have another tab Uploading Audio Files of Sands Of Time :)
    Will be Made Available Today if it Completes Upload today And Video Files will be Online by Sunday I think... :)

  13. Thank you bro, you are the best :-D and one thing did you hear about the stop online piracy act ? it is just ridiculous :-\

  14. Bro, Having some problems with uploading files in mediafire :(
    But i'm trying to overcome that
    Files will be made available by next week..

    Stop Online Piracy Act is well for a part can be :|

  15. It will greatl to download pop sot files just after my last exam which is on next wednesday :->i hope you can overcome from your upload problem soon.

  16. The Files will be avaliable soon then> I find out the solution for the problems and will upload the files and will try to make the Audio file's by Sunday & the Video files by Wednesday!!

  17. another request to you. can you please upload or give me the link of the album a thousands suns by linkin park.thanks in advance sir

  18. Don't call me Sir bro..
    I will try to make the album available too :) Enjoy!!

  19. WTF are you kidding me you already uploaded the audio and video files of pop two thrones .just tell me why don't you tell me?i am going to be insane .its just a pure pleasure to meet a guy like you who cares for others .never mind my english mistakes lol....gud morning

  20. Sorry for that bro! I thought you just needed the files of warrior within and Sands of time! Files of Two Thrones have been already added earlier and now the next one is of SAnds of time. It's Going to be out soon, in fact very soon and under this week!! may be tmro the Audio files will be out for sands of time!!

  21. Hey charvin great work i found while surfing for pop ww files it took a while but i finally got it thankz alott man. I did download the files man but am having a bit of trouble the file Dec3 is corrupt and not able to extract!!! Am seriously at a loss man and i need ur help cos i really need these files please man any thing you can do is highly appreciated

  22. Sorry man i meant data3 yeah that's the file that's corrupt oh and if you can upload the files on this site it definatly will be much easier to download thanks agn!!!!

  23. You should Download all parts Before Extracting.. Downloading A single file won't help :)

    Make sure all files are in te same folder and Extract the Files. And Run the Bat file to get the Data3 file Unpacked, Trying to open that usig WinRAR or 7zip won't help :)

    If problem Presistes : Send the ScreenShot of the Error To :

  24. no change.. still only SFX no game music

  25. Hai charvin , i am searching popww soundfiles for long time but no use , i think this site may help me ! ;)

  26. really worked...
    Was waiting fir this for so long
    Thnx a lot..

    1. kindly send a for the sound files of pop wwt the links here is not working..

  27. please reupload part 2 and 3 are broken

  28. This website offers direct linking:-

  29. please reupload. parts 2 and 3. i want it!!

  30. missing part 2 and 3. please reupload!

    1. how can i reupload
      I don't have the files

  31. broken link! please reupload!

  32. Could you please reupload part 1 and 2?? pleaseee!!! i want them...

  33. 2 of the links are invalid. Please fix them. And I read your comment and checked my Sounds Folder and it is of 430 MB. Still I can't hear Background Music and the Voices. What should I do...?

  34. i think charvin is dead :p or he would renew the files >.<

    1. Did that bro, well it took an year though! :D

  35. really works.......thanks charvin

  36. upload on jumbofiles plz

    1. Using mega as the service because the last time i used mediafire and got my account suspended and all the files were removed, i don't want that to happen and mega seems a better choice with, its secure features.

  37. Hello Mr. Charvin,
    I readed those previous comment i think it will work
    ill reply when i finish the downloading business:)

  38. Where are the downloaded files :O

    1. From Mega, they might be either downloaded to the downloads folder, or onto your desktop. Run a search if you can't locate them and sure about downloaded the file

  39. Where are the downloaded files located :O

    1. I have uploaded them onto mega, and downloading might be onto your downloads folder or into some were in C:\ or desktop, check the my documents folder too.

  40. Replies
    1. All links are functional.. Just skip the ad and you can download the files without any problems. Use Mega down loader to download them faster. :)

    2. Just use the Unpack File and Move the Sound Folder to your Game Directory

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  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Can someone link me to the warrior within video file post, I can't find it thank you.

  45. my audio folder is size above 400 but background music and voice of prince is missing why???

  46. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  47. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  48. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  49. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  50. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  51. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  52. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  53. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  54. hey Mr.Charvin!my pop ww sound file folder is size above 400 mb but the background terror music and the voice coversation sound is missing can i download this audio package??? As you say that if the sound folder is above 400mb you don't have to download this???

  55. thumbs up for you sir, thank you for sharing something valuable

  56. i don't get it, do i have to unpack every parts of the audio then move the sound folder in the game directory everytime i finish unpacking every parts?

  57. for those who want video or sound folder but the link shorter gives error you can find the addrress behind the short link by

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