MrJazSohani SharmaAhmedabadAhmedabad

Change Your Default Avast Voices

Avast! is always CharvinSoft's Favorite Security Software,  It have a Super Cool GUI, fast Scanner, daily Updates, cloud Support and much more features included with it.

Well, This post is not about it at all, it's about the Fun part of avast! Yeah, there is a super cool option to change the Default voice Notifications into Really awesome Fun Audio Alerts and also to get other Official Language support too :D


So what are you Waiting for? I have Included Most of the "Fun Audio themes" Into a Package and
what? Making it available to all her at CharvinSoft who are avastians :D

Download From Mediafire, DropBox Or Open Drive :D
DropBox    :

Avast In Numbers

159,184,110 active users of avast!
getting at least 1 virus database update in the last 30 days
106,507,170 visits to infected websites blocked
in the last 30 days
619,367 infected websites discovered
with help of avast! CommunityIQ in the last 30 days
30,000,000+... new actively protected devices in 2011
5,200,000+... mobile android devices actively protected since December 2011 product launch
1,800+... cities around a world with more than 10,000 actively protected devices
208... AVAST employees
49... countries with more than 500,000 actively protected devices
41... languages spoken by avast!
30... countries with more than 1,000,000 actively protected devices
27... nations represented by AVAST employees
Why Avast? Simply Coz, It holds a key to behold the one who fall for it :D
download AVAST from Here :


I couldn't give up now.

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